New and Improved!

Yes, it’s been over a year since I updated this blog.

2022 was an awful year, and I’d rather forget about it than document it for posterity. Suffice it to say that our second home was the hospital with various suffering family members, and eventually we lost our father-in-law.

This year has been a bit up and down, but so far, so good. Halfway through the year, and we’ve survived! That ought to count for something, right? 🙂

Anyway, the good news is that a book I worked on for what has been the longest duration is finally almost ready for distribution. That explains the frantic renovation of my site. My earlier domain ( lapsed in the chaos of last year, and when I was ready to renew it, it was not available any more.

I was always reluctant to put my own name as my domain, but I’m getting older by the day and it’s about time I did it, right?

So here goes… (Trumpets please!)

My new site is!

The blog remains unchanged. I’ve just tried to clean it up with a new theme and hopefully, it looks good.

So if you’re an old reader, welcome back. If you’re a new reader, I do hope you find something interesting enough to keep you hooked.

I can’t promise to keep writing regularly, but I won’t let this die out either.

So, keep your eyes peeled for the exciting announcement about my new book, which should happen within the week (fingers crossed!) More details soon!

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